PO Box 2714
New Britain, CT 06050
Ways To Give
Interested in donating to the scholarship foundation at New Britain High School:
Donations to the fund should be sent directly to the school. Monetary donations can be made out to New Britain High School Foundation and in the memo field, please write Mark Carr Scholarship.
Envelopes should be addressed to Miriam Reyes, NBHS, 110 Mill Street, New Britain, CT 06052.
Interested in donating to the scholarship foundation at Charter Oak State College:
Donations to the fund should be sent directly to the College. Monetary donations can be made out to Charter Oak State College Foundation and in the memo field, please write Mark Carr Scholarship.
Envelopes should be addressed to Carol Hall, Charter Oak State College, 55 Paul Manafort Drive, New Britain, CT 06053
For other forms of giving you can visit Charter Oak website at
Click the Foundation link. Then click on the tab for Scholarship & Endowed Funds then choose the Mark CarrScholarship Foundation for ways to give.
Thank you for considering a gift. A contribution is an investment in the students and future of our workforce.