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New Britain High School, 110 Mill Street, New Britain, CT 06051:


The scholarship award at New Britain High School aims to foster and support the education of students who have an interest in working in the public service sector. Students must be enrolled or participating in the Introduction to Firefighting Program.


For information regarding this Scholarship Award, Scholarship Eligibility Criteria, Application Deadline and Scholarship Application Process, students should contact Miriam Reyes at the high school.  


Telephone number: (860) 225 - 6351 ext. 1616


Charter Oak State College, 55 Paul Manafort Drive, New Britain, CT 06053:


The scholarship award at Charter Oak State College aims to foster the education and support those individuals who are undertaking the Public Service Administration Program where they have the options of pursuing studies in Homeland security, emergency management and fire sciences.


For information regarding this Scholarship Award, Scholarship Eligibility Criteria, Application Deadline and Scholarship Application Process, applicants should contact the Charter Oak Advisor for the program or Carol Hall, Associate Director, Development & Exec. Assistant to the President.

Telephone number: (860) 515 - 3889



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